gatsby essay

I believe readers define the American dream as a man whos started with nothing and ended up in a position how he's dreamt and wanted to be in. Or a person whos rich and lives a lavish life with nice cars , big house swimming pool , has a bottomless bank my opinion Gatsby lives the American dream in my eyes except he isn't happy and doesn't have a partner in life which shows money can't buy love.

Also readers view the American dream as a myth at times because some people who work hard never reach there expectation of the American dream . even though some people who don't reach others expectation of the American dream are living there own American dream. For instance Gatsby's life is different than Tom's and tom was happy unlike Gatsby until his life went downhill , but there lives were different and maybe that's what there American dream was and showed they've reached what they expected.

But sometimes it isn't good to pursue your visual of the American dream because like Tom is American dream he was cheating on daisy, And it isn't always right to pursue your American dream not unless its good for yourself and helps you financially and physical also mentally. Gatsby's American dream is great but he wasn't happy but he was wealthy.

There are many other reasons it isn't right to pursue your American dream and one is because when you're too focused on finding and chasing your American dream you don't bring happiness along with it and once you've accomplished your American dream  you don't have happiness or a partner and Gatsby for an example. He is living the American dream but doesn't have happiness sometimes it is best to live life and take it as it comes and you'll be happy.


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